
With the rising popularity of the Netflix series Another Self, more people are becoming intrigued by the concept of Family Constellation Therapy. The show introduces viewers to the emotional and transformative journey of characters as they uncover hidden family dynamics and heal long-standing traumas. But how accurately does Another Self portray Family Constellation Therapy, and what can viewers expect if they decide to experience this form of healing for themselves?

In this blog, we’ll break down the core concepts of Family Constellation Therapy as seen on the show and compare them to the real-life practice. For those who are curious about whether this therapeutic approach could help them, we’ll also explore how to find Family Constellation Therapy near me and start your healing journey.

What is Family Constellation Therapy?

Family Constellation Therapy is a therapeutic approach that focuses on resolving emotional and psychological issues by addressing hidden dynamics within family systems. Developed by Bert Hellinger in the 1990s, it explores how unresolved trauma, grief, or conflict from previous generations can affect individuals in the present. The therapy aims to help clients understand and heal these patterns, often leading to deep emotional breakthroughs.

In a Family Constellation Therapy session, participants use representatives—either real people in group settings or objects like figurines in one-on-one sessions—to symbolize key family members or dynamics. This allows the therapist and the client to explore how these relationships may be impacting the individual’s current life, bringing hidden influences into the light.

How Does Another Self Portray Family Constellation Therapy?

The Therapeutic Setting

In Another Self, the therapy sessions are depicted in both one-on-one and group formats, where participants use role-playing and representation to delve into unresolved family issues. This aligns closely with how Family Constellation Therapy is often practiced in real life. During a group session, one individual works on their family dynamics while others stand in as representatives for different family members or dynamics. The facilitator, or therapist, guides the process, allowing the client to gain insights into their family system.

The show accurately portrays the emotional intensity of these sessions. Family Constellation Therapy can evoke deep emotional responses as hidden family dynamics are revealed, often leading to profound realizations about how unresolved family trauma has been affecting the client’s life.

Uncovering Generational Trauma

One of the central themes in Another Self is the uncovering of generational trauma—emotional pain or unresolved issues passed down through generations. The characters experience breakthroughs as they realize they are carrying the emotional burdens of their ancestors. This is a core concept of Family Constellation Therapy, which holds that trauma and unresolved conflict in previous generations can create emotional blockages that affect current generations.

For example, a grandparent’s unresolved grief or a parent’s trauma may manifest as emotional distress or relationship difficulties in their descendants. The show portrays how recognizing and acknowledging this trauma can lead to emotional healing—a concept that is very much at the heart of real-life Family Constellation Therapy.

The Power of Representation

One of the key elements of Family Constellation Therapy, as seen in Another Self, is the use of representatives. In the series, participants in therapy sessions stand in as different family members, allowing the individual to see their family dynamics from a new perspective. This technique mirrors the real-life process, where representatives in a group or figurines in an individual session symbolize family members, helping to externalize emotional patterns and relationships.

In real-world therapy, these representatives provide valuable insights through their intuitive reactions, reflecting emotions or dynamics that may not have been consciously recognized by the client. This externalization allows clients to gain a clearer understanding of the hidden forces shaping their emotional lives.

What’s Different in Real Life?

The Dramatic Element

As with any TV show, Another Self dramatizes the therapeutic process for emotional effect. While Family Constellation Therapy sessions can indeed be intense, not every session will involve the high-stakes drama depicted in the series. The pace of real-life therapy sessions is often slower and more reflective, allowing clients time to process the insights they gain.

The emotions uncovered during Family Constellation Therapy can be profound, but the therapeutic environment is generally more controlled and focused on providing a safe space for clients to explore their family systems without feeling overwhelmed. A real-life therapist will guide the process carefully, ensuring that the client feels supported throughout the session.

The Long-Term Process

While Another Self often depicts dramatic breakthroughs in a single session, real-life healing through Family Constellation Therapy may take more time. For many clients, it’s a process of ongoing exploration, where each session builds upon the insights gained in previous ones. The therapy is deeply transformational, but it often requires multiple sessions to fully uncover and heal long-standing family dynamics.

Additionally, while emotional breakthroughs can happen during sessions, the long-term healing process involves integrating these insights into everyday life. This integration is where real transformation happens, and a skilled therapist will help clients navigate this phase after sessions conclude.

Can Family Constellation Therapy Work for You?

If you’ve been captivated by Another Self and are wondering whether Family Constellation Therapy could help you, the answer lies in your own family history and emotional struggles. This therapy is particularly effective for people dealing with issues like:

Family Constellation Therapy can provide insights into why certain patterns have been repeating in your life or relationships, helping you break free from these cycles. If the idea of healing generational trauma resonates with you, consider searching for Family Constellation Therapy near me to find a local practitioner or explore online options.

How to Find Family Constellation Therapy Near You

Thanks to the increasing interest generated by Another Self, many people are now searching for Family Constellation Therapy near me to begin their own healing journey. Family Constellation Therapy is offered by trained facilitators and therapists, many of whom provide both in-person and online sessions.

If you’re based in Dublin, Naas, Newbridge, or elsewhere across Ireland, you can find experienced practitioners who specialize in Family Constellation Therapy. Many therapists also offer online sessions, allowing you to experience this powerful therapy from the comfort of your home.

Before booking a session, it’s a good idea to research local practitioners, read reviews, and, if possible, schedule a consultation to discuss your goals and what you hope to achieve through Family Constellation Therapy.

Conclusion: Is Another Self an Accurate Representation of Family Constellation Therapy?

While Another Self brings the emotional intensity and powerful healing of Family Constellation Therapy to the screen, it’s important to remember that real-life sessions are often more measured and controlled. The show does an excellent job of introducing the core concepts of the therapy—particularly the importance of resolving generational trauma and understanding hidden family dynamics. However, the therapy process is highly personal and varies from individual to individual.

If the show has piqued your interest in Family Constellation Therapy, it’s worth exploring how this therapeutic approach could help you heal long-standing emotional wounds. Whether you’re inspired by the characters in Another Self or are simply curious about how your own family history affects your present, Family Constellation Therapy offers a powerful pathway to healing.

Start your journey by searching for Family Constellation Therapy near me and find a local or online therapist who can guide you through this transformative experience.

Abi Beri
Family Constellation Facilitator & Holistic Therapist

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