
How to Identify and Heal Inner Child Wounds in Your Adult Life

Animated image of a mother holding a child, symbolising nurturing and inner child healing.

Many adults carry emotional wounds from their childhood, often without realising their impact on present behaviours and relationships. These “inner child wounds” stem from unmet needs, traumas, or negative experiences during formative years. Identifying and healing these wounds is crucial for personal growth and emotional well-being. Understanding Inner Child Wounds The “inner child” represents the […]

Inner Child Healing: Reconnecting with Yourself

Little girl running freely in an open field, symbolizing the joy and innocence of the inner child.

Our inner child is the part of us that carries the memories, emotions, and experiences of our younger selves. While it often holds the joy, wonder, and creativity of childhood, it can also carry wounds from unmet needs, trauma, or painful experiences. These unresolved emotions can influence how we navigate relationships, handle challenges, and view […]