
Family Constellations: Revealing Hidden Patterns and Restoring Life’s Flow

Family Gazing at the Sky - Finding Clarity and Connection

Welcome to a deep exploration of Family Constellations, a powerful therapeutic method that unveils the invisible dynamics within your family system and rejuvenates the natural flow of your life. As a dedicated Family Constellation therapist in Ireland, I invite you to journey with me through this transformative process and discover how it can bring clarity […]

The Family Within: Integrating Person-Centered Therapy and Family Constellations

Mother and daughter walking hand-in-hand on an Irish beach, symbolizing familial bonds explored in Family Constellations.

Our personal journey is deeply entwined with the histories, patterns, and dynamics of our families. By merging Carl Rogers’ person-centered therapy with the profound practice of Family Constellations, we discover a holistic approach to understanding and healing these intricate relationships. Understanding the Foundations Person-Centered Therapy, birthed by Carl Rogers, revolves around the intrinsic worth and […]